About Arianne’s Work

My name is Arianne Garcia.

I’m an autistic adult with ADHD based in San Antonio, Texas (CST). I’ve written about being late-diagnosed autistic since I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist in 2016. I’m an Editorial Board Member for Stairway to STEM, a website resource for autistic students/students on the autism spectrum transitioning from high school to college. I frequently peer review for Autism in Adulthood academic journal. I’m also a member of the International Association of Professional Writers and Editors. 

My website has my blog, my published works, resources I’ve found helpful, and my contact form. I am currently available for opportunities and open for projects. My work history is on: www.linkedin.com/in/arianneswork

Follow me on Twitter @arianneswork or sign up for my mailing list!

profile pic 2020-present
